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News archive

Since june 1, 2023, our news are published in French only.

24 February 2023

By-election in Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne: ABC of political financing and the control of election expenses

Since February 6, the Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne electoral division has been in an election period. During this period, special rules apply to political financing and the control of election expenses. For example, neither citizens nor businesses can spend money promoting or opposing the election of a candidate during the election period. In addition, all election expenses must be […]

Categories: By-election, Financing, expenses, and contributions, Provincial

22 February 2023

By-election in Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne: when and where will you vote?

You can already check when and where to vote. If you are a person with reduced mobility, you may also check whether your polling place is accessible.

Categories: By-election, Provincial, Voting

20 February 2023

By-election in Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne: it’s possible to vote at home

If you are unable to travel for health reasons, you can, from your home: Register or make changes to your entry on the list of electors Vote in advance Your caregiver can also take advantage of this right. You have until February 27 to make a request to your returning officer. Check the requirements.

Categories: By-election, Provincial, Voting

16 February 2023

By-election in Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne: To vote, you need to be entered on the list of electors

Make sure your name is on the notice of entry sent by mail or confirm your entry online. If your name is not on the notice or if you see an error, you have until February 27 to submit an online application for entry on the list of electors or to change your information. You […]

Categories: By-election, Provincial, Voting

10 February 2023

By-election in Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne: voting outside Québec

Will you be outside Québec on polling days? You might vote by mail! Important: your application must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., Québec time, on February 22, 2023. Then we must receive your ballot no later than March 13, 2023, at 8 p.m., Québec time. To learn more and to check the requirements, visit our web page.

Categories: By-election, Provincial, Voting

6 February 2023

A by-election will be held in the electoral division of Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne on March 13

A by-election will be held on Monday, March 13 in the electoral division of Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne. If you are interested in working during this by-election, you can apply online. Young people who are 16 or 17 years old can work in provincial elections – provided they are Canadian citizens, have been residing in Québec for at […]

Categories: By-election, Provincial, Voting

10 January 2023

Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne: Apply online

The recruitment period (in French) is underway for the upcoming by-election in the Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne electoral division. The by-election date has not yet been determined.

Categories: By-election, Jobs, Provincial

19 December 2022

Eight things to know about political contributions in Québec

You must be an elector to make a contribution, which can take the form of a monetary donation, a service rendered or a good provided free of charge. To receive a contribution, a candidate or a political party must be authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer. The official representative of a party, an authority, an […]

Categories: Financing, expenses, and contributions, Provincial

7 October 2022

The voters in training have spoken!

Simulated elections Almost 186,000 youth lived an election experience through the Voters in Training program. Between September 26 and 30, thousand of youths voted for the candidate of their choice from among those running in the electoral division of their school or youth organization. They were even able to witness the unveiling of the results live at an […]

Categories: Democracy education, General election, Provincial

4 October 2022

The election results are in!

The provincial election results are now available. View the results    Thank you for participating in this democratic exercise! These results are preliminary. Official results will be available in a few days, when the declaration of election is issued. This happens after the addition of the votes, once the deadline for requesting a judicial recount […]

Categories: General election, Provincial, Results and statistics

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